The secret to financial freedom lies within your own mind. Your mind understands exactly how you feel about financial abundance and freedom and is helping steer you in the direction of your beliefs every single day. The question is, do you really understand what you believe?
Our conscious mind is controlled by our ego. It’s a really helpful guide that is really protective and has your best interests at heart as long as you understand the script that is written from the level of your subconscious and superconscious mind.
This is the level from which all your actual beliefs and values about money, work and freedom were created, on a moment-by-moment level, from your experiences in your daily life. When we tap into this subconscious mind using hypnosis and age regression, we can access the tape record of your life memories, which show us exactly the moments that you witnessed that created your beliefs.
Moments like my client Susan, who knew as a child, that the secret stash of coins was contained high up on the shelf in the pantry- so money became “out of reach”. Or Katie who won a few numbers on the lottery enough to buy Christmas presents but not retire her travelling husband, and so her mind created the limiting belief that money “never saves me”, and “there is never enough”.
When we work with the conscious mind, we can convince ourselves that we believe certain things, but the truth is that if your subconscious mind disagrees, it will override your waking moments with self-sabotage and life experiences that reflect your true beliefs.
And if you have been working hard on the subconscious mind, you may read this far and say, thanks Katische, but I’ve been using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and I’m part of a money Bootcamp and I’ve been using affirmations. Then perhaps for you, the next step is to take a journey to your superconscious mind- the mindstream of all time.
When you step into your eternal mind, you can access the events of past lives that are impacting your current life. You do not need a belief in reincarnation to access the eternal mind stream. It’s simply another layer of the onion, and here we can open up a multitude of limiting beliefs that you could not in your wildest dreams imagine that you actually believed, but once you hear yourself utter the words, all the pieces suddenly fall into place.
Vivian went back in time to a life where she married a shepherd to please her parents. She craved adventure but chose stability and to do what was expected of her. She lost her happiness by making a choice that did not light her up inside. Her limiting belief was that “it is more important to be safe and secure than to be happy, and other people’s opinions are more important than mine”. In this lifetime she started as an accountant, but it was not until she stepped into a much more risky spiritual career, that she began to feel happy.
Isn’t it time for you to relax, open your sub and superconscious mind and see which stories and beliefs are running your life? Financial abundance it turns out isn’t in your hands, it’s in your mind. Revisit your beliefs, reframe them and unlock your financial freedom.
By Katische Haberfield
Katische is a spiritual regression therapist who helps like-minded souls to access their sub and superconscious minds through age regression and unlock limiting beliefs, creating transformational change. She has a passion for helping people with an abundance of all levels- especially financial and relationships and unlocking the most important kind of
abundance- an abundance of self-love.