Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

During my soccer coaching career at a local high school, I always looked forward to the beginning of a new season – the excitement of evaluating each player’s talent and developing a plan for success. By capitalizing on each player’s strengths, working with them to establish goals for themselves and the team, and by establishing an environment around collaboration and teamwork, we enjoyed many successful seasons.

I find that this philosophy of teamwork translates well in helping individuals establish a plan to realize their financial goals.   Having a successful result requires building a team of experts that includes a financial advisor, a tax advisor and an estate planning attorney.  By capitalizing on your financial teams’ strengths, you will be closer to achieving your life goals.   Your team of experts must have the following traits:

  • Expertise and knowledge – Just like a player’s talent and skill on a soccer team can help win a game, each financial team member has a certain level of expertise that can help provide a roadmap to accomplish your goals.
  • Well organized – Just as the coach is responsible for providing a through game plan to have a successful result, it is important that your team of experts have an organized plan that meets your needs.
  • Strategy and tactics – In order to win a soccer game, you need to have a successful strategy and tactics. Your team of experts must provide an overall strategy.  with tactics or recommendations that allow you to realize your goals.
  • Effective communication – A soccer team must be able to communicate effectively with each other to score a goal and defend well against its opponent. Your team of experts must communicate well to understand your expectations and desires are and come up with a comprehensive plan that meets your needs.

A financial advisor can help you accomplish your goals, but it takes a good team of experts working together to provide the best results.  A collaboration of experts cannot only make a difference in accomplishing your goals, they can also provide the bridge to a more satisfied life.  Without teamwork, you can’t win the game of life.


By Mario Hernandez



~Novel Serialisation: Heavens Fire~


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