Do depreciation deductions apply to you?

Owners of income producing properties are eligible to claim tax deductions for a number of expenses involved in holding a property. Most investors are aware of some of the deductions…

Dream or Nightmare? 21 Most Common Property Buyer Mistakes that can derail your financial goals (and how to avoid them)

We know property is (for most of us) the single biggest financial decision we will make in our entire lives. We all want to get it right… but how do…

What the federal election might mean for your taxes

We’re just a few days from the Federal election and both main parties are pushing hard for the votes of investors. So, how might the Federal election impact the taxes…

Are you running a business of property investing? It can make a difference to your taxes!

  Most people who own rental properties disclose their rental income and expenses in the rental section of the individual tax return but in some cases, the ATO can treat…

Tightening of credit: How it is affecting the Australian property market and why you should still invest

Read anything about the property market at the moment, and it sounds like doom and gloom. House prices are going down; banks are tightening credit. It can be quite confusing…

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