Why women should invest, but don’t…

More and more women find their love for investing and using property as a vehicle to secure their financial future. However, by far not as many as men. Why is…

Your Business Financial Success

Whatever your definition of success, money is required to be successful.  If success to you is living on the beach than you need a lot less a month than someone…

2019 currency trends – what should you be looking out for?

  If you’ve been paying any attention to the currency market you’ve probably noticed that exchange rates have been particularly volatile in recent weeks. But is this trend likely to…

Taking control of your financial future: why financial literacy matters

33%. That’s the current difference between the average private pension savings of a man and woman if you look at the minimum pension age of 55 which will rise to…

Understanding your Financial Reports

We’re all in business to make money, right? After all, what’s the point of all your hard work and clever ideas if you don’t make money? Most people who work…

Become an affiliate and join in our success

Sell ebook editions of our most successful books and earn a great commission. My Entrepreneur Magazine and Voila Success are rolling out our amazing affiliate program which allows you to…

No money? No problem

Thousands of people each year are starting small businesses on a shoestring.  Many of them are still in full time employed work but want a fall-back position in case they’re…

How to win the retirement game

With high inflation and increasing interest rates over the last year, relying on a portfolio consisting mainly of fixed income has made it difficult to maintain one’s spending power. If…

Can you write a chapter on how to achieve financial independence and retire early?

Money and Finance Magazine is publishing a ground-breaking book offering practical and objective advice on the process of gaining financial freedom and independence. Can you contribute a chapter? The Book…

Susan Farquhar : Should You Keep Trying To Save Money To Buy Your Own Home Or Invest Now?

This is a question we get asked quite regularly and the answer depends on a number of factors. The top three concerns are: How fast can you save? How quickly…

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