Marion Mays has spent over 20 years in the Financial Services Sector working across multiple areas of expertise from lending, to debt and asset recovery, as well as directly in…
Nathan Lewes is Managing Director at AssetBase, a boutique property investment firm based in Sydney. Before founding AssetBase in 2017, Nathan held roles in a variety of roles in…
The Property Investor is proud to present our annual showcase of Australia’s Top Ten Women Property Specialists. Australia’s Top Ten Women Property Specialists recognises the outstanding contribution made by…
Del is Chief Operating Officer at Sourcing Investments Ltd, having joined the team and becoming co-owner in early 2018. Del brought a wealth of business experience to the team –…
Merilee is an expert and industry leader in Short-term accommodation. She founded UnderTheDoormat in July 2014 after a decade-long career at energy giant Shell where she led the Global Maintenance…
Andrew Crossley from Australian Property Advisory Group is a qualified Property Advisor and Property Advocate with over 20 years’ experience in wealth management, property and finance both in Australia and…
One of the major misconceptions with purchasing a property in a super fund with borrowings is that the process and requirements are the same as those when you purchase a…
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Bushy Martin, Founder of KNOW:HOW Property Finance Strategy, is one of Australia’s leading property investment strategists, speakers and author. He has personally built an international property portfolio of 12 properties.…
Currently: CEO of The Glentree Group. . Life time achievement awards: Spears Wealth Management, LonRes. Recognised as the ‘champion’ of residential agents collective interests. An innovator and spokesperson of the…